Tom Brady Quotes

  1. Football is unconditional love.
  2. I could talk food all day. I love good food.
  3. Every quarterback can throw a ball; every running back can run; every receiver is fast; but that mental toughness that you talk about translates into competitiveness.
  4. Sleep is all about recovering. So if you're not sleeping, you're not recovering. And if you're going to break your body down a lot, you better find ways to build it back up. And the only way to do that is get a lot of sleep. So for me, I go to bed at like 8:30, 9:00. As soon as I put my kids to bed. Because I'm up at 5:30 the next day.
  5. As you get older, you have more responsibilities; you have more commitments, more events, kids, you're married now. You still have all the things that you've had, plus you just keep adding.
  6. My mom was a great tennis player, and I remember being six or seven years old watching Steffi Graf and Monica Seles in Wimbledon in my house. I've always been a tennis fan.
  7. The true competitors, though, are the ones who always play to win.
  8. I'm not a person who defends myself very often. I kind of let my actions speak for me.
  9. When you're one of the leaders of the team, there are no days off.
  10. My job is to play quarterback, and I'm going to do that the best way I know how, because I owe that to my teammates regardless of who is out there on the field with me.
  11. You have to believe in your process. You have to believe in the things that you are doing to help the team win. I think you have to take the good with the bad.
  12. I try to not eat as much sugar, but it's so hard in our American diet to do that... It's hard to completely avoid.
  13. Who's my hero? That's a great question... Well, I think my dad is my hero, because he's someone I look up to every day.
  14. I just love working hard. I love being part of a team; I love working toward a common goal.
  15. I firmly believe that sleep and recovery are critical aspects of an effective and holistic training program.
  16. There's nothing more comfortable or leisurely than having a pair of Ugg slippers on in the house.
  17. Sometimes, getting up in the morning and brushing your teeth is the hardest part of the day - it all just hurts.
  18. I'm much more comfortable and confident running out on the field in front of 70,000 people instead of standing in front of a camera trying to say some lines. The people who do that as a profession are very talented because it's certainly not easy.
  19. If I have something to say, I want it to be meaningful.
  20. I was the kid that was the 199th pick that never had the body for it. People didn't think I'd play one year in the NFL, and now I'm going on my 17th year.
  21. Maybe some people can wake up and play PlayStation all day, but that's never been me.
  22. To me, football is so much about mental toughness, it's digging deep, it's doing whatever you need to do to help a team win and that comes in a lot of shapes and forms.
  23. I'm attracted to women who are smart and funny and ambitious and have lives of their own and great families. Isn't that what attracts anyone?
  24. I don't want to wake up and be bored. That's probably my greatest fear is to have nothing to do. What better job is there than to play quarterback for an NFL team, and certainly one that I've been on for a long time and had success with? I don't plan on giving it up any time soon.
  25. I don't even know what the issues are. I haven't paid attention to politics in a long time. It's actually not something that I really even enjoy. It's way off my radar.
  26. Man, wear your seat belts. That's all I can tell everybody. You never know.
  27. I'm a pretty good winner. I'm a terrible loser. And I rub it in pretty good when I win.
  28. If you like it you should enjoy it! Moderation in everything. If there's things you really love, you should enjoy. You get one life, so you should enjoy it.
  29. I think style is being so comfortable and confident in what you're wearing. That's what style is, 'cause everybody's got different style.
  30. Too often in life, something happens and we blame other people for us not being happy or satisfied or fulfilled. So the point is, we all have choices, and we make the choice to accept people or situations or to not accept situations.
  31. Believe me, I'm much easier to be around when we win than when we lose.
  32. Nothing surprises me anymore in the NFL.
  33. You know, watching Dan Marino and Steve Young get nominated to the Hall of Fame... those guys are unbelievable and they did it for so long. I'd love to play like those guys, but there's still a long way to go and a lot of growing.
  34. I have more suits than days of the year that I get to wear them.
  35. There's not much time to unwind, but you know what, it's because I love what I do. I look forward to the season. I look forward to playing games. It doesn't ever feel like work.
  36. When I'm out on the football field, I have so much confidence in what I'm doing.
  37. I'm not really concerned with portraying this tough warrior - I mean, that's part of my job and I take that very seriously. But I don't have anything to hide, and I'm not concerned with what people think.
  38. I think hygiene is so important.
  39. You never get over losses. I've never gotten over one loss I've had in my career. They always stick with me.
  40. I've never eaten a strawberry in my life. I have no desire to do that.
  41. Mentally, the only players who survive in the pros are the ones able to manage all their responsibilities. Everybody struggles in different ways.
  42. Proper sleep has helped me get to where I am today as an athlete, and it is something that I continue to rely on every day.
  43. I have a memory, and I can just eliminate mistakes when they come up because I've already made them.
  44. You can't score if you're turning it over. It's like a punt. If you go out and you punt 12 times, you're not scoring points. That's not good. So, when you turn the ball over and throw interceptions, you're giving the other team more opportunities and your team less opportunities.
  45. I think, in politics, half the people are gonna like you, and half the people are not gonna like you, no matter what you do or what you say... It's like there are no right answers. If there were, everyone would choose the right answers. They're all opinions.
  46. If someone lies, well, you had a choice to trust that person or not. I think the way my father raised me, well, he trusted everybody. And that worked for him.
  47. It's a representation of yourself, and you can express a lot of your creativity with what your wearing.
  48. I don't want to say anything negative about anybody or anything or anybody's political beliefs. I've never done that. I've never tried to get involved in those things.
  49. I think the great part about what I do is that there's a scoreboard. At the end of every week, you know how you did. You know how well you prepared. You know whether you executed your game plan. There's a tangible score.
  50. Men always want and love when women wear tight and fitted clothing, right? And you're like, 'Wow, she looks so beautiful.' And then you have men who dress like slobs, and you're like, 'What's the deal with these big and baggy suits.' It's pretty ridiculous.
  51. A lot of times I find that people who are blessed with the most talent don't ever develop that attitude, and the ones who aren't blessed in that way are the most competitive and have the biggest heart.
  52. I've had just about everything punched. I've had things grabbed that just shouldn't be grapped.
  53. My sisters like cooking at my place. It has a bit more room, and the food tastes a little bit better. A big pot of spaghetti and sauce, some warm French bread - works all the time. I think I've been eating pasta for 26 years.
  54. WIth football you can have up to 28 guys you consider starters, and if they can pick up the slack when some aren't playing so well, you don't have to turn those two game losing streaks into six-game losing streaks.
  55. I play a complicated position in an intensely team-oriented game.
  56. We all have experiences in our lives that change us, and we all learn from people, like my dad, but at the end of the day, it's only us. And we're only responsible to make ourselves happy.
  57. When you have two busy kids running around the house, returning e-mails is a task, let alone surfing the web.
  58. To me, if you're trying to impress a girl, get a date, they're gonna like that more because you're a confident guy. That's what it comes down to.
  59. After the first day of practice, there's not one guy who's playing at 100 percent or who feels great. Sometimes, getting up in the morning and brushing your teeth is the hardest part of the day - it just hurts.
  60. I'm an emotional person. Sometimes I can't help it.
  61. Every man should know, if you're comfortable and you like it, you should do it. Everyone always worries about what the girls think, what the guys think. If you like it, do it.
  62. My wife and I are very affectionate.
  63. If I feel anxious every time someone is staring at me, well, I can't control what they stare at, but my reaction is, I'm just not going to go outside the house. I'm going to stay in and chill. And when I do go out, I understand what comes along with that.
  64. I've always been privileged to play for Coach Belichick, who I've always said is the best coach in the history of the league.
  65. My personal feelings are my personal feelings. I don't want to express them with anyone except for a very few people. It doesn't do any good. It really doesn't.
  66. Fortunately for a quarterback, you can play for a long time because you don't get hit very often.
  67. As a part of the NFL, things change every year.
  68. I always try to do as much as I can do. I'm never a person that does not enough, because I'd regret not doing enough and think I probably could have done more. I probably go too far and have to reel myself back in, which works in some things, and other things it doesn't work.
  69. All parents are concerned about their children's well-being. As a parent of three kids, I'm very concerned about their well-being.
  70. I think that at the start of a game, you're always playing to win, and then maybe if you're ahead late in the game, you start playing not to lose. The true competitors, though, are the ones who always play to win.
  71. There are times when you throw an interception and you're beating yourself up.
  72. The only thing I ever wanted to be was a professional football player.
  73. I see so many guys, really athletic guys, wearing pleats and I just shake my head. Like, Tiger Woods used to wear pleated pants! I'm like, 'C'mon, Tiger!'
  74. I think any man who lets a woman pick what he should wear... I mean, you gotta draw the line somewhere as a man. I see these guys, 'My wife told me to wear this!' And I just shake my head.
  75. So many guys are so conservative with their hair, and I always joke with all my buddies when they mess with me, and I'll say, 'That's right, keep the same haircut for ten years.' How fun is that?
  76. I'm never going to be fast, and nobody will ever mistake me for being fast.
  77. I think I have a certain respect for people, you know. And I guess a lot of times I expect that respect to go both ways.
  78. In Boston, they love their sports celebrities. And it's great.
  79. I think the running game is very important to every offense. Being balanced is extremely important. There's times where you have to throw the ball. You could be down late in the game, you need to come back; you have to be able to pass it when they know you're passing it.
  80. People want to go out and travel around and meet cool people. I could just go live in Vermont, but is that what I really want?
  81. I'm not a very creative person, you know? I'm not really an art person. I'm not a great reader or writer or artist or musician.
  82. Life is not living in the suburbs with a white picket fence. That's not life. Somehow our American culture has made it out that that's what life needs to be - and that if it's not that, it's all screwed up. It's not.
  83. If you're a quarterback, you want everything on your shoulders. You want to be the one to make the decisions.
  84. Every action has a consequence. It may be good for strengthening. And I have no doubt that lifting a lot of weights can get you stronger. I just don't know if lifting stronger weights can keep you healthy, or it can keep you doing your job better, especially for a pro athlete.
  85. The biggest issue is muscle pliability. That's what I think the biggest secret to me is. What is muscle pliability? Muscle pliability is keeping your muscles long and soft.
  86. It's an offseason. These days are valuable for everybody.
  87. My wife doesn't let anyone wear shoes in our house, so we have a bench, and under the bench is all UGGs slippers.
  88. I'm a pretty casual dresser. At home, it's probably whatever is functional to relax in, whether it's a pair of sweats or a pair of jeans.
  89. The last person I have ever criticized is an official. They have a tough job to do. Things are happening so quick.
  90. It's amazing, the culture Coach Belichick has been able to create in our system.
  91. I don't think any country is perfect. It's our responsibility to do the best we can do to change the things we don't like. I think that's part of social responsibility, and everybody is going to do that in their own way.
  92. You're not going to see my sense of humor on the football field. That's not a place for me to joke around.
  93. Because my career is so important, I think I make a lot of - I wouldn't call them sacrifices, but just concessions for my job. I love what I do, and I want to do it for a long time.
  94. I have hobbies. I like being active. I like to surf a lot, play a little bit of golf.
  95. During the season, most of my time to unwind is in my car ride home. When I get home, it's being with my kids.
  96. I like to have fun all the time, even if I'm working.
  97. As for hobbies, I don't really read or watch TV.
  98. All I do is work out. Oh my God! Half my life is spent in a gym somewhere, sweating.
  99. I don't really care how the Patriots are perceived, truthfully. I really don't. I really don't. Look, if you're a fan of our team, you root for us, you believe in our team, and you believe in what we're trying to accomplish. If you're not a fan of us, you have a different opinion.
  100. I started wearing Ugg when I was, like, 13 or 14, in high school, and my mom got me a pair for Christmas one year.
  101. I like Tom Ford a lot because it's so classic and has great quality. I wear a lot of Rag & Bone.
  102. I really focus on my jeans and sweaters for them to fit really well. There was a time that wasn't the case.
  103. When the NBA adopted their uniform that they had to wear, I thought that was very interesting. And you see the way NBA players dress: It's very cool.
  104. I think my style is probably more of a classic look.
  105. Probably my first couple years in the league, I started paying more attention to what I was wearing. Once I got a few bucks in my pocket and I could afford some nice things, and you get to go, 'OK, let's try some of these things.' And once you try something you like, you probably don't change it much.
  106. I don't think a lot of people know personally who I am.
  107. For people who may think they know, or have snippets of who I am, you can attack that person. That's part of being a public figure.
  108. It's a frustrating game because the situations so drastically change at different times over the course of the week, the game, the season. It feels like brain surgery at times.
  109. I think I've really stepped outside the box in the way I try to train, eat, hydrate, the cognitive brain games I play on a daily or weekly basis to try to build up some durability within my body, within my brain, to be able to go out there and play at a high level at age 38.
  110. I try to encourage all my teammates, and I sure hope that some day all athletes - my kids, high school kids - get the same level of care I get. Because you can play for a long period of time without having knee replacements, without having all the major head trauma that people are dealing with.
  111. I would love to encourage all my teammates to eat the best way they possibly can. High school athletes. Now, that's not the way our food system in America is set up. It's very different. They have a food pyramid, and I disagree with that. I disagree with a lot of things that people tell you to do.
  112. You need to think outside the box. You need to think differently if you want to sustain what, for me, is my peak performance: the very best that I can achieve as an athlete every day.
  113. I never had any coffee or anything like that. I just never tried it.
  114. I don't think the ebbs and flows - get in great shape and then get out of shape and then see if you can get back into shape - is a good thing. So I prefer to keep my arm always ready to go.
  115. I really love training and being in good shape, and it's so much a part of my life now, so it never really feels like work to me.
  116. It's a real strength for me that I've never minded the training process. It's something I enjoy. I really like being in the gym or, certainly, on the field.
  117. I'm just glad I play for Coach Belichick.
  118. I've had a lot of ridiculous haircuts.
  119. Everyone does things differently on offense. Everyone's goal is to score points.
  120. You look at another team's style and how they do it, and you just want to understand how they're doing it and see if you can learn something and maybe implement it into what your team does.
  121. To score points, you need a lot of consistent effort over the course of the game. If you're throwing it or running it in, it's not a big difference in terms of the score at all, obviously. But turnovers limit your scoring. That's the problem with turnovers.
  122. I'd be so bored if I wasn't going out there, knowing that I could still do it. So, I'm going to work hard to be ready to go, and I still plan on playing for a long time.
  123. I don't go to bed at 1 A.M. and wake up at 5 A.M. and say, 'Let's see if I can get this done today.'
  124. There have been so many great players that I've played with, that I've played against over the years.
  125. I've been so blessed to play for the greatest coach at a time when our organization has done incredible things. I've played with the best teammates. Playing for Mr. Kraft and what his influence on the team has been.
  126. Everyone is different. Everyone has different teams they've played on, coaches they've played for.
  127. I don't believe you could be a 39-year-old quarterback in the NFL and eat cheeseburgers every day. I want to be able to do what I love to do for a long time.
  128. I think a lot of things that are the norm, that are very systematic, don't work.
  129. I don't think anything about a personal legacy. I mean, those words would never come out of my mouth unless I just repeated them. Those things have never been important to me.
  130. Coaching wouldn't be for me. No, certainly not.
  131. I like playing. I wouldn't be a good coach. I don't have the patience to be a coach.
  132. I am excited to partner with Under Armour to bring game-changing sleepwear, with the same bioceramics technology I use, to athletes all around the world.
  133. I don't want to get into it, but if you know someone, it doesn't mean you agree with everything they say or they do.
  134. I think there are things that are based in your own dealings with someone that is a personal dealing, not a public dealing. Because you have personal experiences.

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